Your Photographer Is

Your Photographer Is

Hi there,I'm so glad you found my page! I love taking photos of everything from people to pets, school events to objects. I’m always looking forward to trying new things and I hope to never lose the joy and passion for taking photos.

I started taking photos after I got my camera my sophomore year of high school. Throughout junior year I took some photos here and there. Senior year came and I really started to think about taking photos for my school. 

So that’s what I did! I started taking photos of my high school student section at games. I had so much fun taking photos all night. 

Thought senior year of high school, I have grown in my photography and I want to continue to grow. It has grown into something great. I am now a college student who takes photos for several organizations on campus and as part of my on-campus job. 

I could not be more grateful for all the opportunities I have encountered. And all the wonderful memories I am able to capture. 
Let's Begin 
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